Free Minnesota Divorce Forms in PDF Format

Man looking for divorce documents online in Minnesota

If you are going to start a marriage dissolution process, especially without a lawyer’s help, you’ll probably like the possibility of getting free divorce papers online. In this article, you can find a general list of forms required by the courts in Minnesota and their descriptions so that you can check what papers may be needed in your specific case.

List of Minnesota Divorce Papers

Divorce paperwork can be time-consuming, complicated, expensive, and even annoying. Fortunately, in Minnesota, it is possible to find most divorce PDF documents on the court’s official website and download the templates without spending a cent. You can also take advantage of the official instructions on how to fill out MN divorce forms.

Check out the list below for more information on the forms that may be required for your situation.

Petition for Dissolution of Marriage (Without Children)

It is a legal document that a petitioner files to start a divorce case. It usually contains personal details of both parties and the date and place of marriage, as well as a specific relief sought by a petitioner.

Download Petition for Dissolution of Marriage (Without Children)

Petition for Dissolution of Marriage (With Children)

Woman signs petition for divorce in Minnesota
Seeking assistance for filing a petition for dissolution of marriage in Minnesota is advisable when individuals need guidance on navigating the divorce process.

This type of Petition is a legal request for marriage dissolution prepared and submitted to the court by a petitioner in cases involving children. The document includes personal information about spouses, the details on marriage registration, names, ages, and addresses of minor children, as well as the petitioner’s claim concerning child custody, support, and related matters.   

Download Petition for Dissolution of Marriage (With Children)


Summons is a formal notification about the initiated divorce process. It must be served to a defendant with a copy of the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. The paper usually contains the case number, the court’s jurisdiction, a short overview of the petitioner’s demands, and the defendant’s rights and obligations.

Download Summons

Answer and Counterpetition for Dissolution of Marriage (if required)

This form is an official defendant’s answer to the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. It typically includes the respondent’s agreement or disagreement with the petitioner’s divorce claims and the responding party’s requirement on such issues as child custody, visitation, division of assets, alimony, and other case-specific matters.

Download Answer and Counterpetition for Dissolution of Marriage

Marital Settlement Agreement

It is a written binding contract prepared by the spouses to formalize their agreements concerning child custody and support, marital property division, alimony, and other divorce topics. If spouses manage to complete this document before starting a divorce case, they can greatly speed up the process and avoid court litigation.

Financial Affidavit

Financial Affidavit is a mandatory document to file for all cases where minor children are involved. Parents must disclose their financial data so that the court can make well-grounded decisions on child support, alimony, and joint property division.

Download Financial Affidavit

Child Support Worksheet (if applicable)

Spouses complete child custody and support worksheet in Minnesota
Completing a child support worksheet in Minnesota is essential as it provides a structured framework for determining child support obligations.

This document is used to calculate the amount of child support that a noncustodial parent is obligated to pay to the other party. When calculating the sum, it is necessary to consider such factors as each parent’s income, the number of dependent children, parenting time arrangements, health care costs, childcare expenses, etc.

Certificate of Representation (if applicable)

This formal document must be submitted to the court either by the attorney representing a party or by the parties themselves, especially if they are self-represented, upon initiating marriage dissolution. The form usually includes the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of attorneys and any parties without legal representation.

Download Certificate of Representation

Order for Dismissal of Harassment Restraining Order (optional)

This paper is required to formally dismiss a previously issued harassment restraining order. After that, it must be served to a defendant, notifying the party that the harassment restraining order has been terminated. 

Download Order for Dismissal of Harassment Restraining Order

How to Prepare Minnesota Divorce Paperwork?

If you have agreed on all important divorce matters with your spouse, you can find templates for do-it-yourself divorce papers in Minnesota online. Many of them are available on the court website in the convenient PDF format.

In case you lack time to manage documents on your own, are afraid of making mistakes, or do not want to miss some mandatory forms, you can order a Minnesota divorce packet from a trustworthy company that helps with the divorce paperwork. Such services are convenient and are provided for a moderate fee.

Another option is to hire an attorney to assist with the documents. However, delegating paperwork to a lawyer is rather costly, even if the case is uncontested.

Once you have all the needed papers for marriage dissolution, you can apply for divorce online or offline with the local courthouse.  

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